Unfortunately, Jim LeRoy died on July 28, 2007 performing in Dayton, Ohio.
Jim LeRoy performed a a high energy aerobatics display in his modified Pitts "Bulldog".  If you saw him fly, it was something you would never forget.  He will be missed.
I had the good fortune to do some air/air photography with Jim and the Iron Eagles at the Fitchburg Airport's 2002 Autumn Air-Fest.
His regular show features a lot of low level flying.
And lots of vertical flying.
It also includes a great ribbon cutting demo.
In one of the more amazing maneuvers that Jim performs, he comes down the flight line sideways at minimum altitude and speed.  With very little room for error, he proceeds to roll the aircraft.   
Jim is also a founding member of the Masters of Extreme.
  Click here for information on buying prints of these photographs.